The majority of the resources are in pdf format, which all devices can read these days - Easy printing for Bible studies, and you only need one per group as permission is given to copy. If used over several study groups it would be lovely if you could consider buying one per group, but that's entirely your decision!
For tablets and smartphones there are also ebooks in Kindle versions and these can be downloaded from Amazon Kindle (find them by link below, title or author's name - John Birch) NB: After purchase you will receive an email with the download links. Check spam folder if it's missing!
Prayer Books General Bible Studies FootPrint Studies Advent Studies Lent Studies
Now in paperback!
Following the pattern used in the earliest Christian communities, and with liturgies for the main Celtic festivals, there are prayers for each day of the week (morning, noon and night). PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Also Paperback & Kindle version from Amazon
A collection of 300 new prayers for the day ahead, our work, families and friends, the Church, mission, refugees, justice, those sick or in need, carers, growing old, and ending with some prayers of blessing. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Paperback edition available direct from Amazon
Our prayers should encompass the lives we live day by day, both at home and work, bringing to God our concerns about those things which impact on our lives and those of our neighbours is important . The PDF version can be read by the usual devices.
Prayers of Life (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Paperback version available direct from Amazon
A collection of 200 contemporary prayers and blessings written for the world we wake up to every day - its highs and lows, blessings and struggles, our work and rest, the people we meet and our families and friends. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Paperback and Kindle versions available direct from Amazon
Written during a difficult time for the world at large. Prayers for the day to day of life and the bigger world, responding to the the darkness and light within this year, not all caused by the pandemic!
Sunshine & Storm
ebook (pdf)
- £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Also Paperback & Kindle version from Amazon
We're all on a journey of faith, and this collection of prayers reflects this. Prayers take us from the beginning to the end of our day, the people we shall meet, and the places we shall go. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Suggested prayers and liturgies that might be useful for those leading worship or for house groups, including openings and closings and offertory prayers. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Also Kindle version from Amazon
A collection of over 100 new prayers for personal use or a help for those who have been asked to lead worship - about the simple act of living out our faith day to day. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Also Kindle version from Amazon
A collection of 100 Celtic inspired prayers from various publications written by John Birch. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
God Beside Us (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Healing is needed for more than simply human bodies, but also situations and disasters anywhere. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
A collection of prayers and liturgies, for use by individuals and churches. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
A Fragrant Offering
ebook (pdf)
- £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
200 new prayers written over a period of a year, looking at everyday life in our local communities and the wider world, with its joys and sorrows. PDF version can be read on most tablets etc.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Paperback version available direct from Amazon
Jonah has much to teach us about our relationship with God and others, even if we struggle with 'that fish'!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Looking at God's relationship with his people in the Old and New Testaments, and believers today - and how God can be heard within the world in which we live.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Following the journey of the first disciples from their first meeting with Jesus to the aftermath of the Cross.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Looking briefly at mission from its genesis within the Bible to its impact on the world today, with examples from old and new missionary organisations.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Exploring some of the major themes of that very familiar prayer of Jesus and how they impact on our lives and those around us.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Mark brings us the teaching of the Apostle Peter, and is the earliest of our Gospels. Of the four that we have, this is the one which William Barclay calls 'The essential Gospel'. As such it's worth closer examination!
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Looking at aspects of the day to day lives of the early believers in Britain and Ireland by way of themes that are as familiar to us as theey would be to Christians throughout the ages.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Food is an integral part of our Bibles from the first pages of Genesis. Jesus used images relating to food production, fed crowds, went to wedding feasts, ate with tax collectors, broke bread, shared wine.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at Women in the Old Testament, all with a connection with King David - Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba and the tragic story of Tamar.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Five Bible Studies examining the lives of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus to be taught, trained and empowered to share his message.
ebook (pdf) - £3.99
or $4.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies examining some of the problems and obstacles that Christians may face along their journey of faith, and how they were experienced both in the Old and New Testaments.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies examining the theme of God's guidance, with examples from the Old and New Testaments, and thinking about how they can speak into our own journeys of faith.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies starting at the post Resurrection appearances of Jesus to the beginnings of what we know as the Christian Church and its mission in Jerusalem and then to the wider world.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at how the seasons affected life for people in Biblical times, but also looking a little into what we might think of as the seasons of our own lives.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at our relationship with both the world we live on, and its Creator - together with some discussion about our responsibilities to both.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four studies looking at the biblical relationship between humans and creatures great and small, and how we're doing in our care for God's creation in today's world.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies starting at the relationship between human beings and time, both in the Bible and today. From one beginning to another there's plenty to think about and discuss!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at how we worship, both as a fellowship and individuals, and discussing questions such as Why? How? and Where? There's plenty of info and lots to discuss!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at how faith can grow as we journey together, building up our knowledge and experience in the company of God, our guide along this chosen path!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies looking at water - our relationship with this precious resource, including effects of climate change, and how the Bible sees it, both physically and symbolically.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
The first of two Bible Studies on the Book of Psalms, covering some of its themes such as Praise, Lament, Gratitude and Wisdom. Some familiar words from hymns and worship songs, still speaking to us!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
The second of two Bible Studies on the Book of Psalms, covering some its themes such as Life, Celebration, Pilgrimage and Hallelujah. Some familiar words from hymns and worship songs, still speaking to us!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
How can life in the fledgling church of Acts that Luke brings to us, inspire and encourage us today?
Written for Lent, but a study that can help us look at who we are as a church within any season of the year!
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
It is good now and then to stand back from the small world that we as individuals inhabit and think about the relationship that we have with God, the world and each other...
To ask ourselves what 'being human' is all about!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Four Bible Studies examining how the message Jesus gives, about who really is our neighbour, continues to speak to us today.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Most people, if asked, would say that they would like a bit of peace in their lives. So, what does the Bible tells us?
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
We see evidence of the divide between having, and not having, riches and poverty, all around us, so what does the Bible say?
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
St Paul's journey began as a child, and we follow him from there to his calling, and through the joys and frustrations of mission.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Paul's words to the Galatians are no doubt familiar, and yet still worth looking at again, as to how our lives might be fruitful.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Justice and injustice are part of everyday conversation and on social media, but what does the Bible teach on the theme?
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Knowing where Pentecost has its roots can help in our understanding of what it means in our lives as believers.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
We are all somewhere on the journey of life, but let us rest for a while and see what the Bible tells us about this theme.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
An on-going project offering accessible and affordable group Bible studies for the New Testament Gospels and letters
This is a personal letter from Paul, who has entrusted the nurturing of the Church in Ephesus to Timothy. Here we find both encouragement and instruction for the building up of the fellowship.
(pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
2 Timothy finds Paul in prison, but more concerned about encouraging his friend Timothy than dwelling too much on his own troubles. Titus is on Crete which has its own problems. Church planting has its challenges!
2Timothy &Titus
(pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Thessalonica was an important place strategically for Paul and his small team to establish a new church, and the letters reveal Paul's joys and concerns for these new Christians.
1 and 2 Thessalonians
(pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
There was a growing Church in Northern Asia Minor and Peter had an interest in the spiritual wellbeing of the beliovers, faced as they were with false teaching and a degree of suffering for their faith.
1 and 2 Peter
(pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Looking at the themes within each verse of this popular carol and its invitation to 'Come & Worship, Christ the new-born king'
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
There are four famous songs at the start of Luke's Gospel which have an Advent theme. Plenty of discussion questions for your group!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Connecting with the bigger picture of God's Salvation as found in Scripture, together with prayers and discussion topics.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
How would the 1st century newspapers have reported what was going on in and around Bethlehem?We can but imagine!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Lots of background info and study material, prayers, discussion questions and leader's prompts, along with a well loved carol!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
The study looks at the signifance of the gifts brought by the Magi, of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, alongside that of their amazing journey.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
This Advent Study looks at the story through the eyes of Matthew and, along with familiar themes gives us a glimpse into the life of Joseph.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Looking at the Advent story through the eyes of Luke, with some familiar themes, and plenty of discussion questions.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Traditional themes for our journey through Advent of Hope, Message, Witness and Servant, with prayers and discussion topics.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
Let the songs of Advent inspire your journey through this study, looking at covenant, angels and mothers, early visitors and names of Jesus.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Written in the year of Covid, with all of its uncertainties and worries, hope seemed a good theme to examine in the approach to Christmas, which is all about hope!
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Inspired by Wesley's popular hymn, 'Come, thou long expected Jesus', and using the readings for Year C of the Lectionary, bringing us the message of hope.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
We are taking four themes from this traditional carol to look at the promise of, and the birth and life of Jesus, our Savour and Prince of Peace
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
We are looking at several ways in which the Bible reveals to us the person of Jesus and his Messianic role, through prophesy and personal witness.
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Looking at the Advent season through the eyes of Luke, the apostles and Old Testament prophets, via the readings for Year C in the Lectionary
ebook (pdf) - £2.99
or $3.99 (USD)
Looking at the theme of 'light' through the Bible and what it has to say about God - a study for Lent or any time of the year!
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Looking at God's relationship with his people in the Old and New Testaments, and how that might speak into our own journey of faith.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Kindle version available from Amazon
We are all probably familiar with this beautiful hymn, but have never stopped to think about the words we are singing, so here's a perfect opportunity!
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
The post resurrection meeting between Jesus and his disciples was crucial, and this study looks at how it impacts on our own faith.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
One of the most famous hymns ever, and a lovely way to look at the message of Lent through the poetry of its verses.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
There's a lot of wisdom within the Beatitudes, practical advice for living and developing a faith-led relationship with God and others.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Looking at Lent through the verses of a much loved hymn, and also journeying with Jesus with Bible readings from stations on the way to the Cross.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
A closer look at encounters between several people and Jesus in the gospels, and how their experiences speak into our journey through Lent.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Following the journey of Jesus and his disciples to Jerusalem, the Cross and beyond, and the many characters we meet along the way.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
From a people in exile through to a people wondering who this Jesus is, a glimpse at God's bigger picture.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
The journey to Jerusalem, the Cross and beyond, with the four gospel writers as our guides on this journey through Lent
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
How can life in the fledgling church that we read about in Acts inform, inspire, and encourage us today?
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Most people, if asked, would say that they would like a bit of peace in their lives. So, what does the Bible tells us?
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
Looking at different aspects of God's grace in the Old and New Testaments, and how it can be seen in the lives of Christians.
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
A virtual pilgrimage to five important pilgrim stops as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus from baptism to Gethsemene
ebook (pdf) - £3.49
or $4.55 (USD)
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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