Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Worship Leader's Little Helper

Help for those asked to lead acts of worship


Worship Leaders Little Helper

This ebook is designed as an aid both for Local Preachers and Readers who regularly lead worship as well as those asked less frequently to lead prayers in a church or fellowship group -but is wary of praying without notes or using written prayers.

Be assured, there's nothing wrong with that! The Church throughout the ages has used a written liturgy, mainly to ensure that it maintains a hold on orthodox belief and doesn't err into heresy!

The prayers offered here are written to be spoken, and use contemporary language where appropriate. They aim to be personal rather than remote, and be accessible without being simplistic.

There are 15 sets of prayers for ordinary Sundays, plus seasonal offerings for Advent, Lent, Easter and Pentecost, more than enough for the occasional or more active Worship Leader!

The prayers are grouped as follows:

Opening call to worship from the Psalms
A prayer of adoration or thanksgiving
A linking prayer of confession

There are also suggested responses should the worship leader want to compose a responsive prayer as part of their offering, hints for leading intercessions, a selection of prayers for opening and closing the service, plus offertory prayers and prayers/readings on forgiveness.

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Opening prayers for Christian worship


Into our lives and into our worship
we welcome you, God Almighty.
You who breathed this world into existence,
creator of the very ground
upon which we walk.
Beginning and end of all things,
yet accepting each one of us
as precious in your sight
The Lord is here!

Into our hearts and into our souls
we welcome you, God Almighty.
You who hold the world in your hands,
and can number the very hairs
upon our head.
Source of all justice and truth,
yet through the death of your Son
redefining forgiveness
The Lord is here!


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Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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