The tradition of a blessing or benediction as part of an act of worship has been a part of Jewish worship for generations, and we can trace it back to the book of Numbers where Aaron and his sons bless the Israelites with this blessing :
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace. ”
(Numbers 6:24-26)
Interestingly this is apparently the oldest known Biblical
text that has been found; amulets with these verses written
on them have been found in graves in dating from the First
Temple Period, and are now in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Below are some contemporary blessings that I have written
for use in worship. If reproduced, I'd appreciate an acknowledgement.
May the love of the Father,
the tenderness of the Son,
and the presence of the Spirit,
gladden your heart
and bring peace to your soul,
this day and all days, Amen.
May God the Father
prepare your journey,
Jesus the Son
guide your footsteps,
The Spirit of Life
strengthen your body,
The Three in One
watch over you,
on every road
that you may follow.
May the peace of God enfold us,
The love of God uphold us,
The wisdom of God control us.
Let the majesty of the Father
be the light by which you walk,
the compassion of the Son
be the love by which you walk,
the presence of the Spirit
be the power by which you walk.
May the peace of God reign in this place
and the love of God forever hold you tight,
May the Spirit of God flow through your life
and the joy of God uphold you day and night.
The love of God be the passion
in your heart.
The joy of God your strength
when times are hard .
The presence of God a peace
that overflows.
The Word of God the seed
that you might sow.
The embrace of the Father
Be the comfort you desire.
The name of the Son
Be the one on whom you rely.
The presence of the Spirit
Be with you every hour.
The Three in One
Be the focus of all you are.
May the beauty of God
be reflected in your eyes,
the love of God
be reflected in your hands,
the wisdom of God
be reflected in your words,
and the knowledge of God
flow from your heart,
that all might see,
and seeing, believe
The peace of God be in your heart
The grace of God be in your words
The love of God be in your hands
The joy of God be in your soul
and in the song that your life sings.
In anxiety may you find peace
In sadness may you find comfort
In sickness may you find healing
In loneliness may you find company
In busyness may you find space
In listening may you find wisdom
In following may you find hope
In the One who meets our needs
Who says, ‘Ask and you will receive.’
May the love of Christ
be active in your heart,
be heard in your words,
be seen in your actions
and inform your choices
today and all days. Amen.
May the riches of God’s blessing
never become a thing of pride
but an overflowing well of giving
daily shared both far and wide
May the knowledge
of God’s presence
be your strength
throughout this day,
a source of wisdom,
love, light, and grace.
And as darkness falls
may you find peace
in that presence,
and the gift of sleep.
May our hearts sing of love
pouring out upon a tree.
May our hearts sing of peace
that can calm an angry sea.
May our hearts sing of joy
in forgiveness, grace, mercy.
May our hearts sing of faith
in a God who sets us free.
May our hearts sing of life
lived well and abundantly.
May our hearts sing, always.
May you find peace
in your busyness,
in your journeying,
in your happiness,
in your suffering,
in your fearfulness,
in your questioning,
in your faithfulness,
in your worshipping.
May you find peace.
God’s arms enfold
and protect you.
God’s word inform
and inspire you.
God’s love infuse
and transform you.
God’s Spirit flow
and empower you
now and always.
God of rising sun, embrace us
God of mist and rain, refresh us
God of flowing stream, revive us
God of gentle breeze, speak to us
God of day and night-time, hear us
God of tears and laughter, bless us
God of love and power, uphold us
Your children and our family, we pray
God’s wisdom be the store from where
our daily thoughts are gathered.
God’s love be a flowing river
bringing peace to heart and soul.
God’s whisper be a word in time
breaking through this world’s clamour.
God’s faithfulness be our strength
and hope within the storms we face.
God’s peace be known
deep within your soul
when anxiety and fear
assail you, when daily
life becomes a burden
that is difficult to carry.
God’s peace be known
and felt, as those arms
reach out to hold you.
God’s peace be known
and heard, in words
of comfort and release.
God’s peace be known.
May the God of love surround you,
those loving arms embrace you,
bring you comfort, hope and light.
And as the day draws to a close
God’s peace permeate your heart,
and bring healing through the night.
In the busyness of life
may you find space.
In the worries of life
may you find peace.
In the beauty of life
may you find joy.
In the sorrows of life
may you find comfort,
faith be strengthened
and your day be blessed.
God bless your journey;
the people and places,
talking and listening,
giving and receiving,
fellowship, loneliness,
sorrow and thankfulness.
May all you embrace
build and strengthen you
on your daily walk with God.
May the knowledge
of God’s presence
be your strength
throughout this day,
a source of wisdom,
love, light, and grace.
And as darkness falls
may you find peace
in that presence,
and the gift of sleep.
God of rising sun, embrace us
God of mist and rain, refresh us
God of flowing stream, revive us
God of gentle breeze, speak to us
God of day and night-time, hear us
God of tears and laughter, bless us
God of love and power, uphold us
Your children and our family, we pray
May you know the warmth
of God’s loving embrace
May you know the joy
of God’s ever-presence
May you know the peace
of God’s gentle whisper
May you know the strength
of God’s Spirit within you
this day and always in your life.
God’s peace be known
deep within your soul
when anxiety and fear
assail you, when daily
life becomes a burden
that is difficult to carry.
God’s peace be known
and felt, as those arms
reach out to hold you.
God’s peace be known
and heard, in words
of comfort and release.
God’s peace be known.
May you find peace
within the storm,
and the encircling
of his arms.
May you find rest
within the night,
and refreshment
in the dawn.
May you find joy
within your heart,
a song just waiting
to be sung.
May you find peace.
God bless your journey;
the people and places,
talking and listening,
giving and receiving,
fellowship, loneliness,
sorrow and thankfulness.
May all you embrace
build and strengthen you
on your daily walk with God.
Copyright © John Birch, 2021 · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced anywhere else please include acknowledgement to the author/website · Privacy Policy