There's a range of prayer and worship resources here for Lent and Easter, from individual prayers, to liturgies, themes and a large range of Bible studies - so do check out Lent resources and Easter prayers
Your Word reveals to us a simple truth,
that sin entered this world
through human folly
in believing we could be like you,
and permeated history
through envy, selfishness and greed.
Yet sin, which holds us tight
within its grasp
cannot resist a heart that is touched
by your grace through Jesus Christ,
cannot contend with Living Water
pouring into hearts and souls.
Your Word reveals to us a simple truth,
that sin is defeated
and we can become
the people we were always meant to be,
by your grace through Jesus Christ.
Pilgrimage has had its place in Christianity since 3-400 CE, and that interest has never waned. Whether it is to Lourdes, the Holy Land, Spain or so many other places, pilgrims still flock, and for mnany reasons.
This is a five part virtual pilgrimage for which you do not need walking boots, following the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the Garden of Gethsemane, and suitable for Lent or any time of the year,
One of several easy-to-use Bible studies available, with plenty of discussion questions, notes, and images to enhance our understanding, and you only need one downloaded copy per group.
Some background info on pilgrimage, the why and where, click here
For more information and sample study click here
One of many resources available from the shop
These prayers come from a variety of sources, and are a mix of contemporary and traditional prayers, some which go back to the early saints!
There's a continuing interest in the simplicity of this way of prayer, centred often in the Trinity.
Bless this house and those within.
Bless our giving and receiving.
Bless our words and conversation.
Bless our hands and recreation.
Bless our sowing and our growing.
Bless our coming and our going.
Bless all who enter and depart.
Bless this house, your peace impart.
Click here for a selection of blessings
Are you as an individual or church concerned about the climate crisis, this world we live on, and our responsibility for its care?
There are several Bible studies here looking at aspects of our relationship with God, this world, and everything and everyone that lives on it!
Click link or picture to see the range of studies available on the topic
This is a troubled world we live in, and lives are under stress for so many reasons. Here's a collection of blessings to share with anyone who might benefit.
May the guiding hand of God
lead you from the busyness
and stress of your daily life
to a quiet place, still waters
where you can rest awhile,
and in that space find peace.
Click here for prayers to share
"This is what the Lord Almighty said: ‘Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.'" (Zechariah 7:9)
Grant us a willingness
to speak out for the weak
and vulnerable.
Grant us a readiness
to point out the corrupt
and indefensible.
Click here for more prayers
The search for peace both for nations and individuals has seemingly occupied the minds and hearts of every generation of human beings, and sadly is still at the heart of politics and personal well-being.
These five studies look at how the Bible can help in our understanding of this theme.
There's plenty of discussion questions as well as notes and space for thought and prayer. Individual studies will copy onto 2 double sides of A4 paper for ease of use or are easy to view on mobile devices.
One of several Lent studies available, with plenty of discussion questions, notes, and images to enhance our understanding. More information on the full range at this link
One of many resources available from the shop
A blessings is great to share with those we love, as well as an ending to a service of worship!
The peace of God be in your heart
The grace of God be in your words
The love of God be in your hands
The joy of God be in your soul
and in the song that your life sings.
Click here for a selection of blessings
Prayers of thanksgiving for the offering during worship
We bring you only what is yours, Creator God,
that you might use this offering and the giver
for the building up of your kingdom
and the glory of your name. Amen.
Click here for some offertory prayers
In the meeting of our lives,
be the focus of all that we are.
In the singing of the hymns,
the prayers that we shall make,
the reading of your Word
and the preaching of the same.
Speak to us, encourage and forgive us.
In the meeting of our lives, Lord,
be the focus of all that we are. Amen
Into your presence we come,
God of Grace and Peace,
who was, and is and ever shall be
the eternal One.
Into fellowship we come,
bound together in the love
that died and rose again for us,
our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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