Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

More Prayers for Healing #2

Prayers for Healing and Wholeness #2

"So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere." (Luke 9:6)Prayers for healing and wholeness for leaders of worship and individual use

I bring to you my fear,
and lay it at your feet.
I bring to you my pain,
and lay it at your feet.
I bring to you my anxiety,
and lay it at your feet.
I bring to you my weakness,
and lay it at your feet.
I bring to you my despair,
and lay it at your feet.
I bring to you my unbelief,
and lay it at your feet.
with empty hands
ask for living water
to fill my life;
sustaining, cleansing,
calming, reviving,


Life is a struggle, Lord.
Time plays its tricks
on body, mind and spirit.
Simple tasks that in my youth
would have taken minutes,
now consume
my waking moments,

Life is a struggle, Lord.
Technology confuses,
so little now makes sense.
Age strips the brain of sharpness
that once would have found words
but now struggles,
and coping.

Life is a struggle, Lord.
You alone are my constancy,
all I cling to.
Accept my mustard seed of faith,
and the simple words I offer,
my sacrifice of prayer.


Ever-present God,
you walk with us
through good times
and bad,
mountain top
and valley deep,
your footsteps our guide,
hands our support.

Ever-present God,
you are close to us
when life is smooth
or rough,
in wholeness,
and brokenness,
your healing our hope,
your touch our desire.

Ever-present God,
bring comfort and peace,
and the warmth
of your presence,
and I shall fear no thing,
for you are with me,



The joy you felt today
is the smile you share tomorrow.
A time for all things,
that all might be blessed.

The grief you knew yesterday
may be the comfort you share today.
A time for all things,
that all might be blessed.

The hurt you felt today
is the forgiveness you share tomorrow.
A time for all things,
that all might be blessed.

The seed you sowed yesterday
may be the fruit you harvest today.
A time for all things,
that all might be blessed
in springtime and winter,
in dancing and mourning,
healing and death.



My heart is heavy, Lord
a sadness pervades my soul.
Draw close at this time,
be the shoulder I lean on,
the strength I depend on.



Bless these aching bones
and put them to your service,
Take these feeble words
and give to them a boldness
Accept the little I can do
and let it be my witness.



Father God, you ask us at times
to prioritise;
to look at this life in the light
of that which is to come,
our temporary frailty
compared to your eternity,
the pain we feel on earth
and the wholeness of heaven.

It puts things into perspective.

So with that hope
I bring to you my body
as it is today,
and ask for healing,
and release from fear,
that I may continue to serve you
both in this life
and that to come.

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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