Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Thinking About Creation #2

More prayers about the world in which we live

"This is what God the Lord says – the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it:  ‘I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand.'"
(Isaiah 42:5-6 )


The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
ALL: Let the distant shores rejoice
By your word all things were created
each in it's allotted space and time.
You breathed life through your Spirit
and in the whisper of the wind we are reminded
of your Spirit's continual presence.

The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
ALL: Let the distant shores rejoice
The whole of creation declares your glory, Lord.
A symphony of sound and colour surround us
if we will for a moment stand
with eyes and ears attuned.

The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
ALL: Let the distant shores rejoice
The whole of humankind declares your glory, Lord.
Each precious son or daughter a unit of love
in the currency of your family.

The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
ALL: Let the distant shores rejoice
Now in our worship we declare your glory, Lord.
Proclaim your Kingdom to the ends of the earth
your love to the highest mountain
your forgiveness to the depths of the sea.

The Lord reigns let the earth be glad
ALL: Let the distant shores rejoice



The warmth
of the sun's embrace,
the gentle breeze swept in
by incoming tide,
the rhythm of seasons,
of new birth,
death and recreation.
All these speak so clearly
of your love,
your power
and your beauty.
All are expressions
of your creativity,
and more importantly of yourself.
As an artist might share his personality
within each brushstroke,
so within the myriad colours
of a butterfly's wing,
you share the exuberance of your love.

That we can glimpse you
within creation is a beautiful thought,
but also tells us
that you desire to be seen,
to be found and known.
Open our eyes, Lord,
as we walk through this world,
feel the wind and sunshine,
see the majesty of creation unfolding before our eyes.
Help us
to see you.



This world
is not the accomplishment
of a moment of your time, Lord,
that we can see clearly.
Those rugged cliffs,
thrust from the depths of the sea,
filled with the evidence of the past,
were not created in the blinking of an eye.
The diamond's hardness,
did not come suddenly.
This is the work of an infinite patience,
the creation of something
of which its creator could be pleased.
And now Lord, this infinite patience,
this creative love is directed towards us,
formed as we are from the very elements
of the world in which we live.
Your creative Spirit still at work,
tireless, ceaseless,
endlessly creating in our hearts the
image of your likeness.
The only difference being,
the diamond had no choice
in whether it would be transformed
into such beauty



a rainbow,
skilfully painted
from the spectrum of colours,
contained in your glorious palette.
Warm colours encircling us,
embracing this earth,
with a promise,
a reminder of your covenant
with all of your creation.
Such love,
eternal and everlasting.
Thank you, Creating God
for the beauty of the rainbow
and the beauty of your love.
For all that you have made
and are going to make.



Creator God,
on windswept beaches
your saints of old
held their hands up to you
in wonder and amazement,
felt your power through the roar
of wind and surf, and,
exposed to the elements,
felt a unity
with the One
who had created all things.
This world does not often allow us
such intimacy, Father.
We are crowded out
by circumstances of our own choosing,
seeking fellowship with each other
rather than with you.
Forgive our unwillingness
to follow in the footsteps of your saints,
to meet you in the solitude of your creation.
Forgive our unwillingness
to get our feet wet



As dawn breaks through,
gently erasing
the darkness of the night,
heralding the start
of each new day,
enable us to do the same,
rising out of the darkness of our night,
into the light
of your revealing love.

As the sunshine
pushes shadows aside,
revealing the beauty of this world
through colour, shape and song,
may your love perform
a similar miracle
in our hearts each day,
revealing the beauty
of your creation in our lives,
through our words, thoughts,
actions and our prayers.



God of light and God of night,
Creator of seed and mountain,
raindrop and fountain,
We bring our offering of praise.
God of right and God of might,
Lover of child and childless,
rich and homeless,
We bring our offering of praise.



Make me a tree, Lord,
Deep rooted,
To those in need,
To those who are weary,
For those who hunger.
Make me a tree, Lord,
Deep rooted,


Lord of the morning,
of dawn chorus,
rising sun,
mist on water,
day begun.

Lord of the noontime,
of chattering voices,
laughter and fun,
sparkling water,

Lord of the evening,
of quiet breeze,
setting sun,
gentle waters,
day that’s done.



For the promise of harvest
contained within a seed,
we thank you.
For the oak tree
within an acorn,
the bread
within a grain,
the apple
within a pip,
the mystery of nature,
gift wrapped
for us to sow,
we thank you.


Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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