Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Living the Christian Life #4

Prayers about living out there in the world!

"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
(1 John 3:16-18 )

For those who bring hope
where there is none,
love where there is hatred,
peace where there is war,
sustenance where there is hunger,
water where there is drought,
and comfort where there is sadness,
bless them Lord Jesus,
whether they be Christian, Muslim,
no faith or any faith.
For all love has it's source in You,
and every act of selfless giving
brings a smile to your face.





When I talk of neighbour
I mean the family next door
whom I might or might not get on with.
When you talk of neighbour
you extend our neighbourhood,
to the whole world,
to all kinds of people,
the old, the young,
the good and the bad,
those from different social
or ethnic groups.
I see them on my TV screen and just know
that I could not get on with them
if they happened to move in next door.
But then, that is your challenge to us, isn't it?
To do as you did.
To extend the hand of love
No strings or prejudice attached.
I can't do that Lord,
it is not in my nature.
But I am convinced
that you can do it through me.




From my comfortable armchair,
I put the world to rights,
solve ancient disputes over territory,
find sensible ways to bring peace and harmony
to a world desensitised to violence and hatred,
settle moral and ethical dilemmas
over embryo research,
bring an end to terrorism,
by bringing all the parties together
to take part in a well tempered discussion.

From my comfortable armchair I control the world
through remote connection to my television screen.
My condemnation of all that is wrong,
and my solutions to the problems of this world
seem eminently sensible.
There must be many more like me, Lord,
and yet this world is torn in pieces by division.
I am a part of that division, Lord,
because my voice is only heard
within the walls of my living room.
You overturned the stalls,
of the moneylenders in the temple,
shouted out your condemnation
your righteous anger.

I have my comfortable armchair.
You faced every challenge up-front,
never turning away.
I have my remote control
and give myself the choice
of changing channels.
There's room for improvement in my life, Lord,
before I engage with the world.



Lord of the lonely,
And alone,
Enfold them in your love.

Lord of the fearful,
Bring release,
And your peace,
Enfold them in your love

Lord of the hurting,
In their distress,
Bring healing
And wholeness,
Enfold them in your love.

Lord of this world
And the next,
Gather us all
Into your arms,
Enfold us in your love.



Circle us, Lord,
Circle us with the light of your presence, bright within this dark world.
Enable us to be overcomers of fear and temptation.
Enable us to be victors over sin and despair.
Enable us to become that which you would desire.
(Silent prayer)
Lord of creation, Lord of Salvation,
Circle us with the light of your presence.

Circle us, Lord,
Circle our family within the shelter of your outstretched arms.
Protect them in each moment of their daily lives.
Protect them in the decisions that they face.
Protect their homes and relationships.
(Silent prayer)
Lord of creation, Lord of Salvation,
Circle our families with the light of your presence.

Circle us, Lord
Circle this nation with Advent love and hope.
Create a desire to listen to the Advent message.
Create a willingness to understand and respond.
Create a need to reach out to the Christ Child.
(Silent prayer)
Lord of creation, Lord of Salvation,
Circle our nation with the light of your presence.

Circle us, Lord
Circle this world with the joy of your Salvation.
Where there is sickness and disease bring healing.
Where there is hunger and despair bring hope.
Where there is torture and oppression bring release.
(Silent prayer)
Lord of creation, Lord of Salvation,
Circle this world with the light of your presence.


Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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