Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Prayers on a Theme of Discipleship

Prayers about discipleship

Your light is the only light I need,
as I travel through life's mystery .
Your word the only voice I hear,
that still small voice that leads me
to the place where I should be.
Your presence is the only company I need,
as I walk this narrow road.
Your fellowship the warmth I crave,
to help me on my way


Our walk with God
is never a lonely walk,
it is a family occasion,
if taken in the company
of God's children.
If we lag behind,
there are those who will turn
and offer words of encouragement,
hold out a hand and offer assistance
over stiles and other obstacles,
share refreshment,
help us from our knees
when we stumble.
Our walk with God
is never a lonely walk,
it is a joyful experience
as along the path others join us,
attracted by the company
of God's children,
singing the same songs of praise
that angels sing,
following a path
worn down by tears and joy
and sacrifice.
Our walk with God
is never a lonely walk,
for he walks with us,
on a track that leads
to a glorious


When the going gets tough
the tough get going.
It is easy to say 'No'
to take the easy way out,
easy to play safe
and live to fight another day.
Like Peter, who loved you
with such a passion, Lord,
filled with such energy,
so impetuous,
ready to speak first
and ask questions, later.
Except when asked
if he was with you, Lord,
except when his faith
was seriously challenged
when the road to the cross
became dangerous.
You knew Peter,
knew the calibre of the man,
what would happen
before the cock crowed twice.
But it didn't stop you choosing him
the rock upon which
your Church would be built.
There is comfort for us, Lord,
in Peter's frailty,
reassurance that your love
and confidence extends
to both strong and frail,
as you look to our potential,
and in your love forget
our momentary weakness



How often when weary
do we sigh 'The spirit is willing,
but the body is weak.'
How often when in prayer
are thoughts distracted by
sounds or circumstance,
or prayers diverted
by trivial concerns.
Baggage carried with us
rather than left at your feet.
How often do we find ourselves
apologising to you
for our abbreviated prayer life.
And yet you draw us still
to be in your presence,
as you did the disciples at Gethsemene.
You want us to share in your life,
to play our part.
You told your disciples to watch and pray,
so that they might not fall into temptation.
Do you ask the same of us
and do we also fail you,
each time we whisper
'The spirit is willing,
but the body is weak'?
Grant us the strength, Lord,
of body and of spirit,
to offer you the sacrifice
of our lives


Just a mustard seed, you said,
just a mustard seed of faith to remove
the mountain of doubts and difficulties
which beset our often frail existence.
We readily confess, Lord Jesus,
that there are times when we reach out
seemingly in vain for that mustard seed.
And yet, if we did but think for a moment,
in that very act of reaching out
we reveal the presence
of the very seed that we seek.
Lord Jesus we have faith in your power to heal,
but lack the self-confidence to ask.
We have faith in your ability to mend broken hearts ,
but lack the experience in our own lives.
We have faith in your power to bring wholenes,s
into lives that are incomplete,
but hesitate to trouble you with our prayers.
We are like children, Lord Jesu,s
standing here in awe of your power and love,
afraid to ask that which we know is possible,
because we are afraid
of the consequences of our asking.
Lord Jesus, accept the mustard seed
that we hold out to you, hearts outstretched.
Take it and the prayers that we offer,
and grant us the grace to accept
that our prayers are heard and answered
at the moment of asking,
by a God who knows our own incompleteness,
and is working to make us whole



We can never match
your perfection, Lord.
Try as we might
we stumble and fall,
grasping for that
which we feel is
We are nothing
if not consistent
in our falling
from your grace.
For you are perfect love
and we most certainly are not.
Perfect love casts out fear,
and we are fearful,
of the unknown,
of failure.

'Son, I never ask
for the impossible,
I never set a goal
that cannot be reached,
a mountain that cannot be climbed ,
even by those of a nervous disposition.
All I ask is that you come to me as you are
at this moment in time,
and accept me as I AM.
There is no part of you
that cannot be made clean,
renewed, restored.
Don't stumble,
hold out your hand instead.
That's not too much to ask,
is it?



If we had a fraction of the faith in you that you have in us
then this world would be transformed, Lord.

If we showed a fraction of the love that you show to us
then this world would be transformed, Lord

If we possessed a fraction of the patience that you display with us
then this world would be transformed, Lord.

If we shared just a portion of the blessings that we have received from you then this world would be transformed, Lord.

If we showed as much trust in others as you have shown in us
then this world would be transformed, Lord.

If we claimed just a fraction of the power you promised to your Church then this world would be transformed, Lord.

Transform us first, Lord, that we might transform this world
through your love and your power.


From my comfortable armchair,
I put the world to rights,
solve ancient disputes over territory,
find sensible ways to bring peace and harmony ,
to a world desensitised to violence and hatred,
settle moral and ethical dilemmas
over embryo research,
bring an end to terrorism
by bringing all the parties together
to take part in a well tempered discussion.
From my comfortable armchair I control the world
through remote connection to my television screen.
My condemnation of all that is wrong,
and my solutions to the problems of this world,
seem eminently sensible.
There must be many more like me, Lord,
and yet this world is torn in pieces by division.
I am a part of that division, Lord ,
because my voice is only heard
within the walls of my living room.
You overturned the stalls
of the moneylenders in the temple,
shouted out your condemnation,
your righteous anger.
I have my comfortable armchair.
You faced every challenge up-front,
never turning away.
I have my remote control,
and give myself the choice
of changing channels.
There's room for improvement in my life, Lord,
before I engage with the world.



Lord God, help us to love those
whom we find it difficult to love.
Give us a heart that reaches out
to those we would otherwise ignore.
Give us the strength not to cross
on the other side of the road,
but to play the part of the Samaritan.
This will not be easy, Lord.
It is not in our nature.
We spread our love thinly
among those we can relate to,
those who share our values,
and those who do not threaten
our comfortable lifestyle.
It's not easy, Lord,
and on our own we shall fail.
But with your help all things are possible.
You led the way,
and it is your example that we look to.
You turned the values of this world upside down.
Do the same with us. Lord.
Help us live the reality of your Love.



In your time, Lord, in your time
Take the imperfect that is me
and create
the person that I could be
In your time, Lord, in your time


This world I live in,
this town I live in,
this street I live in,
this house I live in,
may each be the focus of my prayer.
Those I live with,
those I rub shoulders with,
those I work with,
those I don't get on with,
may each be the focus of my prayer.
Those who laugh,
those who cry,
those who hurt,
those who hide,
may each be the focus of my prayer.
Prayers centred less on self
and more on others,
less on my circumstances,
more on the needs of others.
May my life be likewise centred
less on self and more on You,
and through You to the world,
in which I live and move.


Within the circle of my family and friends
May I be a source of peace
a hand to hold
A blessing

Within the circle of my acquaintances
May I be a steady rock
a ready shoulder
A blessing

Within the circle of my community
May I be a light that shines
a love that flows
A blessing



The true adventurer
is willing to walk
through sunshine or rain,
when the going is good,
or ground slips away
from beneath their feet.

The true adventurer
delights in the glory
of each mountain peak,
yet does not fear
the danger of forest
or swift flowing stream.

The true adventurer
listens to the words
of one who knows the way
intimately, having
already walked
the path they travel on.



and all days
embrace us in a love that knows no end.
and all days
fill us with a power that overcomes.
and all days
encourage us with a word that nourishes.
and all days
inspire us with a hope that sustains.
and all days
comfort us with a peace that endures.
and all days
bring wholeness of body, mind and spirit
and all days



I will not stumble,
for your hand will guide,
and in your footsteps I will tread.
I will not grow weary,
for your spirit sustains,
and my soul shall be renewed.
I will not be weak,
for your truth strengthens,
and no evil shall defeat me.
From the depths of the earth,
I shall soar upward
on wings like eagles,
spread the news
throughout the world,
run the race
against all odds,
and shall prevail.



In times of weakness
and hour of need,
yours is the strength
by which we carry on,
the shoulder
we rest our head upon.

When our load is heavy
and too much to bear,
yours are the arms
stretched out to help us
the grace
that we depend on.

In times of weakness
and hour of need,
your voice is heard;
‘Come… find rest.’


We want for nothing
if we journey with our God,
his footsteps leading,
his hand to steady
if we should fall.

We want for nothing
if we listen to our God,
his gentle whisper
breaking through
the storms of life.

We want for nothing
if we rely upon our God,
his grace enough
to bring healing
into broken lives.

We want for nothing
in the service of our God,
in blessing others
through our lives
so we are blessed.

We want for nothing
in the worship of our God,
his Holy Spirit
the comforter
will satisfy our souls.



Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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