Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Focussing on the Cross (2)

More prayers on a theme of The Cross

The Cross is at the centre of our faith, and it is no wonder that it has always been at the centre of a Christian's prayer and worship life, as through the centuries writers have grappled with the sheer wonder of such an outpouring of God's love to humankind.

"Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me'" (Mark 8:34)

Three times
the cock crowed,
and by the third,
the whole world knew
that Peter had denied his Lord.
The echo of that moment
can still be heard today,
each time we hide our face,
afraid not of death,
but a mild rebuke,
or at the worst
a little ridicule.
The world may never know
our silent denial,
for as yet, Lord,
it has not known
our silent faith.



Lamb of God, you shed for me
Your life upon a blood stained tree,
Your life for mine, love re-defined,
An offering, a ransom, release.
You gave so much, O Lamb of God.
ALL: Just as I am, I come

The doubts I have, the pain I feel,
When at your feet I humbly kneel,
You take it all, both great and small,
Give freedom, forgiveness and peace.
I have the choice, O Lamb of God.
ALL: Just as I am, I come

Lamb of God, I hear your voice,
And hearing know I have a choice
To make a start, within my heart,
A willingness, to journey by faith.
You ask no more, O Lamb of God.
ALL: Just as I am, I come

By waters still, through fire and storm,
Your love continues to transform,
And with that call, you welcome all,
No barriers now, no limits, just grace.
No more excuses Lamb of God.
ALL: Just as I am, I come



In our walk to the cross
and beyond
who will roll the stone away,
show us the empty tomb,
our risen Saviour,
Only you, Lord,
as you revealed yourself
to three women
early on that Resurrection morning.
Only you, Lord,
as you revealed yourself
to hesitant and frightened disciples
in the upper room,
and showed your wounded side.
Only you, Lord,
as you revealed yourself
through the power of your Holy Spirit
on that Pentecost morning,
and reveal your self today,
through tongues of fire,
and through the gentlest of breeze,
through revelation,
and revolution,
in hearts and souls.
In our walk to the cross
and beyond
who will roll the stone away,
show us the empty tomb,
our risen Saviour,
Only you, Lord.
Only you.


It is relatively easy, Lord
for us who have so much
to give a little up for Lent;
this annual tradition
and chocolate challenge
is often just a bit of fun,
not a wilderness experience
such as you chose to go through.
Our temptations are trivial
in comparison to those
which you had to overcome,
the consequences of our failure
are always relatively minor,
but if you had acquiesced
to the tempter’s soothing words
there would have been no Cross,
no Easter, no Salvation for this world.
In our journey through this season
may we begin to understand
the suffering that you went through,
so that we might know forgiveness
through the love that lives in you.

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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