Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Prayer Memes to Share!

Prayer memes or images are a lovely way to share a blessing or a thought on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. These are prayers that have appeared on the Faith and Worship Facebook page, along with hundreds more, feel free to share them with your own friends!

There are many more of these at my website so feel free to wander that way and see what prayer images there are available to share.

For the silent prayers deep in our heart....

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I arise today, conscious of the forgiveness....

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May our worship be filled not only ....

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Lord, teach us to be good neighbours....

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All we have to offer is everything we are....

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Circle us, lord, with arms of love....

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Lord, teach us to become imitators....

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May there be within this day....

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Within our darkness be a lighthouse....

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May your peace, like mornng mist ....

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May hatred never triumph....

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Sow a seed of love into the hearts of those....

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Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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