Faith & Worship Faith & Worship

Worship, Prayers & Bible Study resources

Advent prayers

Prayers for Pentecost

We light a candle,
and enjoy the flickering light ,
the fragrance
and warmth it creates.
But without the spark that ignites,
there will be no flame.
Without the wax,
the source of power,
the wick will not burn.
Without the flame,
there will be no fragrance,
no warmth, no light.
And so with us, Lord.
You are the catalyst that ignites us,
and the fuel that sustains us.
You fill us with your fragrance
as you enter our lives.
You empower us
to carry your flame in our hearts,
to be the fragrance, warmth,
and light of your love,
in this dark world.

New and traditional prayers for Pentecost here

New for 2024 - In Search of Justice

Justice Bible Study

We live in a world where justice (or a lack of it) and fairness are often mentioned in everyday conversation or social media.

These four studies look at how the Bible can help in our understanding of this theme, and how a search for justice should be at the heart of our faith. 

One of several easy-to-use Bible studies available, with plenty of discussion questions, notes, and images to enhance our understanding, and this one is just £2.99 (or $3.99)   .

For more information and sample study click this link

One of many resources available from the shop

Celtic Prayer

Celtic blessings and prayers

These prayers come from a variety of sources, and are a mix of contemporary and traditional prayers, some which go back to the early saints! 
There's a continuing interest in the simplicity of this way of prayer, centred often in the Trinity.

Bless this house and those within.
Bless our giving and receiving.
Bless our words and conversation.
Bless our hands and recreation.
Bless our sowing and our growing.
Bless our coming and our going.
Bless all who enter and depart.
Bless this house, your peace impart.

Click here for a selection of blessings

Bible studies

Bible Studies about this world

 Care for this world Are you as an individual or church concerned about the climate crisis, this world we live on, and our responsibility for its care?
There are several Bible studies here looking at aspects of our relationship with God, this world, and everything and everyone that lives on it!
Click link or picture  to see the range of studies available on the topic

Christian Prayer

Prayers for a damaged world

The world we live on can often seem to be both damaged and cruel as we see images on our TV screens of the suffering of so many people - to the point where it is often difficult to know how to pray. Hopefully there are some prayers her that might help.

Breathe love into lives ruled by fear
Soften hearts that are hardened by pride
Whisper gently to those bound by chains
Sow peace where conflict divides

Click here for prayers for this world

Christian Prayer

Resources for Leaders of Worship

Being asked to lead all or a part of a service of worship can be daunting. You can find calls to worship, offertory prayers and blessings on the prayer resource menu above, but if you want resources for your bookshelf then there's recommendations for authors that I use on the link below. 

Click here for book recommendations

New for 2024 - Pentecost Bible Study 

 Everyday Prayers

Pentecost is one of the most important of our annual Christian celebrations, as we think about the story we have in Acts, with Peter addressing the crowd, and pilgrims from many countries hearing the word in their own languages. 

But it has its connection with the Old Testament as well, and that's where we start in these studies, connecting the seedtime and harvest of the original feast, with our own Christian understanding from Luke's writing in Acts.

One of several easy-to-use Bible studies available, with plenty of discussion questions, notes, and images to enhance our understanding.. and this one's just £2.99 (or $3.99) for your group.

More information at this link 

One of many resources available from the shop


Blessings and Benedictions

A blessings is great to share with those we love, as well as an ending to a service of worship!

The peace of God be in your heart
The grace of God be in your words
The love of God be in your hands
The joy of God be in your soul
and in the song that your life sings.

Click here for a selection of blessings


Offertory prayers

Prayers of thanksgiving for the offering during worship

We bring you only what is yours, Creator God,
that you might use this offering and the giver
for the building up of your kingdom
and the glory of your name. Amen.

Click here for some offertory prayers


Prayers of repentance

There is so much injustice in this world - against individuals and groups of people, visable and invisible. Here's a range of prayers to help in our response, which of course also means speaking out!  

You speak to us in many ways,
through rushing wind
or still small voice,
in Scripture’s Word
or through your Grace
and we in turn find many ways
to hear the world’s
insistent voice
break through the silence
and take your place.
Forgive our sin.
Help us hear your voice
above the clamour of this world,
recognise the difference,
and follow only you. Amen

Click here for prayers for repentance

prayer in war

Faith & Worship

Faith and Worship

©John Birch · Prayers written by the author may be copied freely for worship. If reproduced elsewhere please acknowledge author/website
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